I first found out about placenta encapsulation through a good friend who had just had her second baby. He son was born 5 weeks early and I was astounded at how much milk supply and energy my friend had so I set about to do some research.
With my first 2 children breastfeeding was a real challenge and I was told I had low milk supply and needed to supplement feeds. It was all pretty stressful and busy. I couldn’t believe the difference this time around having encapsulated my placenta. I had tons of colostrum as I started the capsules within 24 hours after birth and my milk came in fast where it usually took 5 days. On top of that I felt great. No hormone crash or feelings of no being able to cope. It’s a very noticeable difference for me comparing the recovery to my other 2 children. I can’t speak highly enough of Felicity and the work she does for women and think it would be great to get the word out more to women. It was all a very easy process to organise and having the capsules so soon after giving birth is so helpful. Thanks again felicity. Feeling quite attached to my pills !!!
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Felicity Meisel
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