We are very lucky in Australia to have no law prohibiting us from taking home our placenta when our baby is born. In many US states, women are not able to take home their placenta. Seems like the benefits of consuming the placenta are starting to filter through. Have a read of this article from the Melbourne Age last week.
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2013 has been a wonderful year for me. I've been able to spend 90% of my time with Luella, and have had the joy of supporting birthing women and their families for the remainder. Every minute I am with a birthing woman, I feel blessed to be able to share the experience with them. Every birth is amazing and special in its own way, and I feel like a proud "mumma" when these women are finally holding their babe in arms for the first time. The courage, resilience, determination, hope and joy I see in all of them is what makes me support families through this momentous journey. Thank you to all the women who have trusted in me to support and nurture them.
Here is a snapshot of my 2013 births: Boy babies - 7 vs. Girl babies - 6 (that's 53% boys) Vaginal birth - 10 vs. C Section - 3 (one of which was booked) Public - 7 vs. Private - 5 vs. Homebirth - 1 Placenta Encapsulation Stats: Boy babies - 6 vs. Girl babies - 13 (that's 68% girls) Vaginal birth - 15 vs. C Section - 4 Public - 12 vs. Private - 5 vs. Homebirth - 2 Great to see the increase in options for women who choose to have their baby at home, and be supported by the hospitals, in providing midwives and backup support. Check out this article in the Melbourne Age on 28th Nov 2013.
http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/government-delivers-on-hospitalbacked-home-birth-services-20131128-2yb74.html This clip shows the gentle techniques starting to emerge for women who are choosing C-Section delivery.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5RIcaK98Yg Allowing mother to see her baby being born, immediate skin to skin contact, no separation of mother and baby in recovery, and what seems to be a slowing down of the otherwise rushed procedure that has been seen in the past. Enjoy. This is a beautiful music track for relaxation that I love listening to. Its performed by a woman named Lucinda Drayton, who has composed some beautiful guided meditations. Her website is blissfulmusic.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhfMgVonRjk I hope you enjoy this track! I'm glad to see that more research is being published about the benefits of delayed cord clamping. Read on. I'm super excited to have been asked by Dr Jennifer Barham Floreani to write about Placenta Encapsulation, and am privileged to see my blog posted on her website "Well Adjusted Babies" on Wednesday. Take a look...
http://welladjustedbabies.com/have-you-heard-of-placental-encapsulation/ Now I'm really moving with the times... I've today set up a facebook page for Doula by Design. Why dont you check it out, and even "Like" it if you think there may be some information you would benefit from.
Enjoy your day! I attended an amazing water birth last week, and it reminded me of this movie. I just have to share it. It has to be the most beautiful thing in the world. A newborn baby and the gentle calmness that water offers. Enjoy... It may even bring tears to your eyes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPSAgs-exfQ The music is called Moon - Kokin Gumi. Look for it on YouTube also. I just have to share my joy today, receiving a beautiful testimonial from a lovely mumma who has written about her experience with Placenta Encapsulation. She had nothing but praise for the benefits her capsules have given her and her family, and for the time we spent together just talking about the birth before it actually happened. It makes me so happy to see these women going "outside the square" and seeing such wonderful results. These heartfel comments from families make me feel like someone has just given me a shot of oxytocin
Felicity Meisel
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